Payment Facilitation Field Guide

This Payment Facilitation Field Guide will navigate you through Payment Facilitation. Below you'll find a curated set of posts and links.

Learning about Payment Facilitation

What is a Payment Facilitator?
A Payment Facilitator is a service provider for merchant service prover that simplifies the merchant account enrollment process.
How to become a Payment Facilitator
Over the last four years at Finix, I’ve assisted many companies transition to Payment Facilitators. I’ve written this post to help explain how to become a Payment Facilitator in 8 steps.
Benefits of Becoming a Payment Facilitator (PayFac)
For SaaS companies and other technology providers, there are many key benefits of becoming a Payment Facilitator.

Finding Payment Facilitators

Visa Global Registry of Service Providers - Search Results
Find a payment facilitator
Find a payment facilitator registered with Mastercard. To become a Mastercard merchant, simply contact an acquirer for a merchant account application

Learn Payments

Want to Learn Payments? - Read Payments in the U.S.!
If you are interested in learning Payments, I highly recommend reading Glenbrook’s Payments in the U.S. book to learn how all these systems work together.
5 ways chargebacks can negatively impact you
As a merchant or software company, chargebacks can negatively impact you. Below are 5 ways Chargebacks can negatively impact you.
What is the MATCH List? How does someone get on it?
MATCH, also known as the MasterCard Alert to Control High-risk Merchants (MATCH), is an alert system for high risk merchants.